Friday, April 10, 2009

The Rainbow

I think it was Wednesday we had a big rainstorm. This was the view from my front yard after that storm!

When my daughter saw it she said, 'That's a promise!'
What a beautiful reminder that God keeps his promises to us.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter weekend. When you are knee high in Easter grass and plastic eggs, remember that Jesus is the Reason for the Season. Christmas is a celebration of Jesus' birth. Easter is a day to remember His sacrifice, and celebrate His resurrection. Without his death, there could be no life.
When I told my preschoolers Jesus died, I asked them if that would be a good reason for a holiday. They all yelled NO! Then I told them how He came back to life and that He is living in Heaven with God. I told them if they believe and ask Jesus to live in their heart, He can help them live the right way, and we can all live in Heaven together someday. Then I asked if that was a good reason for a holiday and they all yelled YES! Please remember the sacrifice that was made for your sins, and remember that it's a gift that has to be actively accepted. The Easter bunny is fun, and we all love to hunt for Easter eggs, but Jesus' Resurrection is the real celebration!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Friday, March 6, 2009

Sick sick sick - JBF Sale

I haven't had time to even check my email lately. Bub has had pneumonia twice in the last 5 weeks; it didn't clear up entirely the first time. We have been doing breathing treatments around the clock for 4 days now and he still doesn't sound great.

All that said, I had some time when my mom was visiting to go through the kids stuff and consign in the Just Between Friends Sale. If you haven't been to the Tulsa sale it is worth going just to see the amount of stuff in that building. I went to one in Broken Arrow last fall and loved it. I went with a friend who got a presale pass as a First Time Mom. I think if you are looking for something in particular you need to have a presale pass or go the first day. Almost everything I had was sold by the end of the first day the sale opened to the public. I plan on consigning stuff in the Tulsa sale every Spring and Fall. There is a 10$ consignor fee and then you earn 65%. If you volunteer you can earn 70% and get a pass to shop before other consignors. It's pretty easy to print tags now with the new system. You can also track your items and see what sells each day. If you go look at your sales report it will show you what your estimated check amount is (your 65% with the consignor fee subtracted).

I consigned 104 items. As of yesterday I sold 80 of them (most of them at full price). My estimated check amount is more than 300$! I think the rest of my stuff will sell by Saturday (50% off day - Thurs/Fri is 25%).
The best part is that I went to the sale Sat (with the consignor presale pass) and spent 185$ for clothes for both kids that will give them some good staples for their Spring and Summer wardrobes. I also got some toys that will help Bub with his physical therapy stuff.

So I made back what I spent plus at least 125$! Totally worth the effort - I highly recommend it.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I took these in my back yard this morning. It's cold and icy, and I didn't have to go to work today! I'm relieved because my husband got to stay home with me and the kids. We have a fire going - just a word to the wise, check your firewood for bugs before bringing it into your house! We found lots of wood beetles in ours. Don't worry, they got fried pretty quickly. Another side note, try to buy firewood that has been aged for 2-3 years. The newer wood leaves deposits in the chimney that can cause a chimney fire.

Child's Felted Crochet Purse

This is such an easy project - and lots of fun! I just got some thick wool (100% wool or it won't felt) yarn and crocheted a rectangle. Then I folded it and sewed the sides together (with the wool yarn). I just crocheted a single chain for the strap. When it's all together wash in warm water and let dry! If it doesn't shrink as much as you'd like you can wash again and toss it in the dryer for 5 min to help it shrink up. The purse was adult size before felting and ended up the PERFECT size for my 2 year old after felting.

I chose not to line this purse, I like how it looks as is.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Kate's Purse

This is the purse I made for my sister. It's my second attempt at felting. I taught myself how to knit because I liked the felting so much! The lining turned out better than I thought it would. I had to knit the purse, then felt it (wash it in warm water - I did it in the washing machine). Once it shrank down I did a little measuring and eyeballing to get the lining to fit. I sewed the lining up on my machine and hand sewed it into the purse. I'm going to try to take some pictures of my daughters purse - it was the first attempt at felting! I just taught myself to cable knit, so stay tuned because that makes felting SO much more fun!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Auntie Kate's Quilt for Bub

Here is the quilt my sister made for Bubba. It's beautiful...she quilted circles all over it. It's much better than anything I have ever done and I am so happy it's Bub's.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Happy New Year! I have a few projects to post, but no pictures yet. I'll also be posting some new kid crafts, my daughter got a suitcase full of craft supplies for Christmas!
I'm hoping to be continually working on something during 2009. My husband and I decided our resolution would be to spend more time outside. Anyone else make a resolution?